!Welcome to BlueStar Journeys!
Engage Your Spiritual Evolution
Here may you find one pathway that leads to greater spiritual fulfillment. The Mystic Grove is focused on mysticism and spirituality, whereas the Shamaniya Celestia path focuses on the interaction between shamanism and star seeds. .
And we must remember that Human Design flows through all of these lessons as it predicts how you work. As without, so within .:. As within, so without. Learn about Human Design!
Evolving your spirituality is the name of the game. Evolving your Connection to your Greater Self, your Higher Self is the focus. It isn’t easy, it isn’t a 10 minute podcast. It is work every day.
It is the continual refinement of what you think and who you are, and how those interrelate.
The walking path starts here, let’s go!
And we must remember that Human Design flows through all of these lessons as it predicts how you work. As without, so within .:. As within, so without. Learn about Human Design!